One Song At a Time

Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Every spring/summer I begin to make-believe I'm creative. I search for more craft zines. I imagine attempting a recipe requiring a rue. I crave the industrious hum of the sewing machine. In the end, my need for self-expression results in a few more Portland Blogs added to my bookmarks. (Portland Blogs are blogs written by insanely intelligent women in Portland, Oregon, who take cooking, sewing, and any other domestic duties to the next level.)

So what stops me? The Perfect Dress Pattern. I can never find that wonderful waist-cinching, hip-hugging, leg-lengthening dress pattern. Something so unbelievably beautiful that it will force me to finish learning to sew. Why can't I find it? Because Joann's doesn't have it!

Thus, I've decided to become anti-Butterick. I'm going to find alternatives. I'm going to find that Perfect Dress and the fabric worthy of it. And, hopefully, I'll finally have something lovingly made by me, for me. (Other than that purse made from my Velvet Underground t-shirt and my dad's old tie. That was made out of desperation to avoid parting from my favorite shirt.)

Of course, I'll probably never stop looking through the torn, wrinkled pages of Joann's pattern catalogues. Old habits die hard.

Here is my beginning:



Alicia Baker said...

Oh cute! Great now I am going to get addicted to these blogs too.

Hannah + 4 said...

When you find it let me know!!